Loan periods, restrictions and fines depend on the type of item you’re borrowing. Log in to your OPL Account to see what items you have borrowed, and when they are due. Our Andrew Street book drop is always open for item returns.
Type of Item | Loan Period | Limits |
Books | 4 weeks | No limit |
Children's Books | 4 weeks | No limit |
Fast Track Books | 2 weeks | No limit |
Lucky Day Books | 1 week | 1 per card |
Fast Track DVDs | 1 week | 3 per card |
DVDs (Including Feature Films, TV Series, Classics, Childrens, Non-Fiction & Blu-ray) |
2 week | No limit |
Video Games | 1 week | 3 per card |
Books on CD | 4 weeks | No limit |
Magazines - Adult | 2 weeks | No limit |
Magazines - Children | 4 weeks | No limit |
Music CDs | 4 weeks | No limit |
The Library also lends a variety of special collections including puzzles, energy saving meters and Adventure Kits.
Items on your account will automatically renew on the day they are due. Most physical items borrowed (books, DVDs, audiobooks) are eligible for up to 2 auto-renewals.
The following are not eligible for auto-renewal:
- Items that have reached their renewal limit
- Items another customer has requested to borrow (items on hold)
- ILLO items (special items borrowed from another library system)
- Fast Track items (1-week DVDs and 14-day books)
- Downloadable and streaming materials (e.g. eBooks and eMagazines)
- iPad Hotspot Kits
If you receive reminder notices by email, the notice will tell you which items have been auto-renewed along with the due dates.
If you receive reminders by text message, the notice will tell you only the number of items that have been auto-renewed.
If you did not sign up for email or text notices and would like to check due dates or renew items, you can log in to your account , visit the Library, or call us at 705-325-2556.
We are fine free!
The Board of the Orillia Public Library has passed a motion to discontinue late fees for all library materials.
Fees for lost and damaged materials will continue to apply. Fines will also apply to certain special collections.
Why is the library fine free?
Orillia Public Library strives to provide equal access to materials and services for everyone in our community. Overdue fines can create barriers that negatively affect individuals of varying economic or social backgrounds.
As always, we expect cardholders to borrow responsibly and return materials on time and in good condition. If an item is needed for a hold, please return it as soon as possible as a courtesy to other library users.
What happens if materials are overdue?
Borrowed materials will continue to have due dates. Due dates will be listed on your checkout receipt and on your online account.
To ensure borrowed items are still returned in a timely fashion, we have a limit of four overdue items before accounts are blocked. Library accounts with four or more overdue library items will be blocked from borrowing more physical materials and accessing our Digital Library until overdue materials are returned or renewed. Our Andrew Street Book Drop is open 24/7 for material return (excluding Special Collections).
If items have not been returned after 30 days, replacement fees will be charged. Fees for damaged materials will also be charged.
How can I support the library?
Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. You can donate by cash, debit or Visa at the Library or online through CanadaHelps.
Contact Us
Orillia Public Library
36 Mississaga Street West
Orillia, Ontario L3V 3A6
Phone: 705-325-2338
Fax: 705-327-1744
Email Us