The Orillia Public Library has several book clubs you can join. Registration is required for all book clubs, unless otherwise indicated.
Book Chatter
Join us once a month to share what you're reading and gather suggestions from other readers during this relaxed hour of bookish conversation. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month from 1:00-2:00 p.m. (except July and August.)
*This group is currently full. We will accept new registrations as space becomes available.
Email us for more information or to join the waitlist.
Books on Tap
Books on Tap is the Library's book club for twenty, thirty and fortysomethings! We meet at The Hog and Penny on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. to relax, talk books, and enjoy a tasty beverage! Books on Tap meets monthly September through June.
*This group is currently full. We will accept new registrations as space becomes available.
Email us for more information or to join the waitlist.
Book Club Sets
The Orillia Public Library offers Book Club Sets for loan. The list is comprised of adult, young adult and children's titles. Anyone with an Orillia Public Library card may take out the sets. Book Club Sets are available for an eight week loan period. If you are interested in borrowing a Book Club Set, please contact us. View the Book Club Set list.
Interested in ordering titles for your Book Club through Interlibrary Loan? Find out how.
Contact Us